Elections & Board Positions
The Virginia Art Therapy Association holds elections in order for members to choose Executive Board Officers. Elections are held yearly, and stagger terms of office by electing some officers in even numbered years and some in odd years. Representatives are appointed each year by the new board.
Elections in odd numbered years will elect President, Secretary, and Delegate to the Assembly of Chapters.
Elections in even numbered years will elect Vice President, Membership and Treasurer.
The board may hold "Special Elections" should an officer be unable to complete their term of office.
Nominations for officers and representatives are accepted from Mid-October to early November, Voting will be open for several days in mid- November and new offers are announced by the end of November. The new board will appoint the new representatives each January.
Executive Board Officers serve for a two (2) year term and and may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. Unless there has not been a successor elected.
Representatives serve one (1) year terms appointed by the board. Representatives may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms.
The term of office shall commence on January 1 for the newly elected officers and newly appointed representatives.
Individuals who are Professional and Credentialed Professional Members of VATA shall be eligible to hold office in the Chapter. New Professional members of VATA may hold the position of Member Representative or Regional Representative and may sit on committees as appointed by the president. Student members may hold the position of Student Representative and may sit on committees as appointed by the President. New Professional and Student Representatives will be mentored by an identified officer of the Executive Board. Community Patron members may not hold the position of representatives, but may serve on committees as appointed by the president.